Tuesday 31 December 2013

Cover Reveal : Hero Cursed (Mythos : Stories from Olympus Book two)

Before he knew the Oracle...
Before he knew the Quad...
Before the Great Unknown threatened his world...
He was a hero, cursed forever.
Cover Designed by: Colin F. Barnes
Publication Date: March 18, 2014
Genre: YA Mythology
Series: Mythos: Stories from Olympus #2/Oracle of Delphi #3.5
*WARNING* To be read after Prophecy of Solstice's End (Oracle of Delphi #3)
Contains MAJOR spoilers!
Shunned by a family that doesn't understand him, demigod Lenka Tahile aka "Swindle" is a complete loner and he likes it that way. Then he meets the hero, Ace Remedy, the brother of an infamous demigod Prince, and his life goes from bad to worse. Ace is loud, rude, and disruptive to his peaceful existence in every way. He's also hilarious and daring, and Swindle ends up finding a friend just when he thought he'd never have another.
But little does he know, becoming friends with Ace was all part of the Fates' plan. Now his past is slowly coming back to haunt him and there's nothing he can do to stop it. Nothing but try not to bring to light the lost love, the failed hopes, and the cursed existence that he would kill to keep in the dark.
Five Facts about Hero, Cursed
1. Lenka Tahile is a South African name. The MC was born in South Africa.
2. "Swindle" is Lenka's celestial name. He is a son of Hermes. Figure it out.
3. The hawk on the cover is not a tattoo. His name is Bill and he's Swindle's Fauna Morph, an animal that morphs into a weapon on command.
4. Though it isn't showcased on the cover, Swindle has extremely curly hair. Out of control, I tell you.
5. Just like Solar, Defeated, this novella switches back and forth between the present and the past, and reveals what life was like for Swindle before the Oracle of Delphi came along.
Mythos: Stories from Olympus #1 Amazon  |  Barnes&Noble  |  Goodreads
Diantha Jones was born the day thousands of turkeys sacrificed their lives to fill millions of American bellies on November 22 which also happened to be Thanksgiving Day (Her mother says she owes her a turkey). She is a Journalism graduate who wants to be a career novelist (of books, not Facebook posts). When not writing or working, she is reading on her Nook, being hypnotized by Netflix or on a mission to procure french fries. The Oracle of Delphi fantasy series is her first series. She is also the author of Mythos: Stories from Olympus, a companion series, and there is another fantasy series in the works. She also writes (new) adult fantasy/paranormal romance under the name A. Star. Invasion (An Alien Romance) is her first title released under this pen name. Future releases under A. Star include, Mythos: Gods and Lovers series, the Love & Steampunk series, the Purr, Inc. stories, and more.
Website  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon  |  Pinterest  |  DJ's Book Corner

Friday 13 December 2013

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Musings Of Immortals.: Author Intervie : P.J.Day

Musings Of Immortals.: Author Intervie : P.J.Day: Tour Schedule So Finally it's Time to publish my Interview with Author P.J.Day With his huge success in King's Blood Series ...

Musings Of Immortals.: Book Blast The Art of Forgiving by Anna Bloom

Musings Of Immortals.: Book Blast The Art of Forgiving by Anna Bloom: The Art of Forgiving by Anna Bloom The Uni Files - Christmas short New Adult Contemporary Romance Published December 11th, 2013...

Monday 9 December 2013

Sunday 8 December 2013

Musings Of Immortals.: Kindle Fire Giveaway

Musings Of Immortals.: Kindle Fire Giveaway: Win a Kindle Fire HDX, Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash ($229 value) This is a joint AUTHOR & BLOGGER GIVEAWAY EVENT! Blogge...

Musings Of Immortals.: Kindle Fire Giveaway

Musings Of Immortals.: Kindle Fire Giveaway: Win a Kindle Fire HDX, Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash ($229 value) This is a joint AUTHOR & BLOGGER GIVEAWAY EVENT! Blogge...

Monday 2 December 2013

Book Blast and giveaway : Drowning by Rachel Firasek

Title: Drowning  
Author: Rachel Firasek
 Series: Tears of Sin (#1)
 Pages: 263  
Published: October 26th, 2013 by Naedge Publishing
*Drowning is a New Adult Contemporary Romance suited for 18+ due to some violence, language, and sexual content*  "I dare you." Those words would change adrenaline junkie, Alice Harrison's life forever. She's a party girl that doesn't believe in love until she meets a man that only writes about it. Seth James escaped his overbearing father and moved into one of the James family's vacant condos, hoping to create the music he loves in peace. But the fragile calm he's envisioned shatters when a tiny woman with a world full of energy bounces out of the elevator and nearly takes him out. With the patience of a saint, Seth seeks the dark that keeps Alice from enjoying life. He challenges her to exorcise the demons in her past in order to discover the true meaning of love. But when the walls fall down, the hidden deceptions will bare the ugly truth about a woman drowning in sorrow and a man who may not know how to be her hero.
In the hall, arms laden with musical equipment, four large and totally hot guys fill the space—Seth James leading the pack. He stops, drops the cymbal dangling from an index finger, and stares. His too bright gaze travels down my scantily, and very sweaty, clad body and back up. When our eyes meet, he grins. “Come to help?” “No.” I have no idea what makes me do it, but I snatch his cymbal off the floor and carry it into his apartment. I’m asking for trouble, but can’t seem to stop myself. They follow me inside, jaws still slack. Okay, so I’m cute, but not worthy of jaws dropping. I plop it down on his couch and rush back to the door. Taking on Seth doesn’t scare me, but a crew of hotties is a little much. His strong fingers wrap around my shoulder before I make it through the walkway. It’s not controlling or holding me back. His hand is simply resting on me. “Hey, thanks. I’m sorry if we…uh…interrupted your day.” His words sound sincere and slightly slurred, and I can’t find it in my heart to be bitchy to the first guy in a long time that has only shown me kindness. I sigh and pivot to face him. “It’s not me I’m worried about. My sister is asleep.” He glances at his watch and frowns. “She’s recovering from an accident. So, if you don’t mind, keep it down in the halls.” He leans forward. “Will do and I’m sorry.” When he enters my personal space, my heart speeds up. His eyes stare into mine. I feel this incredible connection, like he knows my pain. Like he can see my guilt. The distance between us seems to be shrinking, and I’m not sure if it’s me shuffling closer or him. He snags the zipper on my jacket and runs it up and down. “Is she going to be okay?” I pluck at a button on his shirt and glance up. “Eventually.” His friends form a half-moon circle around him and gape at me. I flick a glance at each of them. They all have a very different style of dress, which only raises more questions about the man in front of me. “Am I the first girl they’ve ever seen?” Blondie, with the coal lined eyes, on the left snickers. “In Seth’s apartment? Hell, yes.” Seth elbows him, but grins. The tall guy in a kind of hot-nerd ensemble leans over and shakes my hand. “Deacon. Would you like a beer?” I eye the leering men again. “It looks like you started without me, and I’m not into gang-bangs.” I disengage the overlong hand play with the nerd and back away from the group. “G., I’ll catch you later.” “Hey, wait. I’ll walk you back over.” The hotties chuckle, high-five, and rib Seth as we walk toward the hall. He shuts the door to their gazes and catches my hand before I can cross back to my apartment. “Hey, are you going to tell me your name?” “Nah, this is more fun.” “Why?” “I think you’re used to having your way.” He smiles. “Maybe.” He leans against his door and crosses his arms. His smile slips into a smug grin I’d seen on so many rich boys in this city. He thinks he has me. “I’d like to have my way with you.” He’s quite the talker when he’s sauced. Good to know. It’s nice to see his thoughts. “That’s the beer talking.” I step close, arch up on tip-toe, and tap a finger to his slightly parted lips. “A few hours ago, you didn’t have much to say. I’m okay with keeping this awkward tension between us. It’s all we’ll ever have.” He scowls at that and twists the knob back to his apartment. “Whatever.” Mission accomplished. I’d succeeded in pissing him off. If he stayed mad at me, then we could squash this weird attraction that we obviously both feel. I grin. “Bye, G.” His brows dip low, and I shove the door behind me, sagging against it. My breath swooshes out from between my clenched teeth. Damn, he is going to be trouble. I feel it all the way to my pinky toe. A soft knock against my back drives home the point. I twirl and open the door before he disturbs Molly—or maybe because I’m not ready to share him with her yet. “What?” He tucks a hand into the waistband of my shorts and hauls me into the hall, pulling my door shut behind me. “Where did you get that?” His gaze lingers on the small bump decorating my forehead. I reach up and touch the sore knot. “Oh, I fell.” “How?” He raises his free hand and traces the swelling. I don’t even feel the careful prodding. No, my concentration is solely focused on the fingers tucked inside my shorts and only inches away from becoming way too familiar with me. “Um…I was doing yoga when you guys came down the hall.” “And?” He tugs me closer. His thumb rakes a small path below my belly button. Oh my. “Uh…I fell out of…of…my pose and banged my head on the floor.” His eyes darken and those beautiful lips part. I want to snake my tongue across the bottom one to find out if it is as soft as it looks. He winces and lowers his eyes to mine. “So this is my fault?” I grab onto his wandering hand and pull it free of my shorts. If I didn’t, I’d be asking him for a wall orgasm in less than two minutes and random teasing and fleeing was a no go for me now. “No. It was an accident. Lighten up, G.” “I don’t want to cause you pain.” Wow, that feels like a loaded proclamation. “Okay. Well, keep the noise down, and we should be good.” He drops the hand that had been rubbing away my bruise. Funny, I’d totally forgotten it. “I don’t want to cause you pain. It’s a personal thing.” A deep shudder races over him, and for some reason, I don’t think he is with me anymore. “You didn’t. I’m fine.” I lift a hand and cup the side of his face, bringing his gaze to mine. It is the gentlest moment I’ve ever had with a man, and we’ve just met. “I’m not sure what this is, but I think I should go inside.” He glances down the corridor, takes a deep breath, and nods. “Yes, you should.” “Go play with your friends. Be men or whatever that means, and I’ll go back to my yoga.” I was going to need it after this. He groans and drops his head back, his hint of an Adam’s Apple bobbing down the column of his neck, begging for my tongue to taste him there. “Did you have to bring that back to mind?” I grin. “What? Me all hot and sweaty in contorted positions? Do you like that?” He groans, and one side of his mouth slants up. “I have things to do and don’t need no-named neighbors distracting me.”
Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour. She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday 29 November 2013

Book Tour Slide by Michelle Congdon

After surviving a horrific car accident that claimed the lives of her mother and brother, Evangeline made a promise to herself to never go back to the city filled with the memories of her tragic past. But when her estranged father suddenly falls ill, she has no choice but to return to New York and to the life she spent twelve years trying to avoid.

Since the accident, heiress to the multi-billion dollar Montgomery Empire, Evangeline has always feared the media attention that comes with having the Montgomery name and would immediately give it all up if it meant the chance to bring back her loved ones. Delicate and camera shy, the last person she should have on her mind is a type of guy like Ryan Fox.

Witty, extremely arrogant but undeniably good-looking are only a few words Evangeline can use to describe the New York Yankee’s hot-shot. The notorious bad boy― well-versed at playing the game both on and off the field― isn't fazed about the media circus following his every move and couldn't be anymore different to the quiet, shy girl that she is. So, what does a guy like him see in somebody as messed-up as her? And although everything about Ryan screams trouble with a capital T, why can't Evangeline seem to stay away? It's not until they're away from the cameras that Evangeline begins to see the real man hiding behind the cocky facade- one that's hurt and haunted by a dark and terrible secret.

What will happen once Evangeline finds the courage to reveal what really happened on the evening her mother and brother died? And how will she react when she finally learns the truth about Ryan's chilling past? Will baring their deepest secrets bring them closer together or will it tear them apart and have them sliding into darkness all over again?

About the Author

Michelle Congdon resides in Sydney, Australia. She has a Dalmatian named Jett, who to this day continues to hold an 8 year grudge against her after she had to leave him with her parents when she moved to the big city- this only proves animals are much like their owners. Michelle enjoys reading books of all sorts of genre's, watching way too many movies and TV shows (and Disney cartoons), singing out aloud to her favorite hits and going on adventures involving food and travel. Michelle is loud, talks a lot and shares an ever-growing list of fictional husbands with a friend. From when she was a small girl, she has always had an overactive imagination and has tried to put it to good use by sharing her stories with anyone willing to listen.

Blog I Facebook I Twitter I Goodreads

10 Things You May Not Know About Michelle:
- I am left handed, but use my right hand to do most things except to write.
- I can recite Disney’s the Lion King and Aladdin word from word (including the songs).
- I am addicted to video games and wish I had more spare time to play them.
- I won “Aussie of the Month” in primary school but was sick that day, so my sister had to go up in the middle of school assembly and get the award.
- I have a gluten intolerance but I’m always naughty and eat things I shouldn’t. I suffer the consequences every time.
- I am scared of balloons. I can’t pop them. I can’t be near anyone blowing one up. Sometimes I will attempt to blow them up but will only go to half-size.
- I enjoy listening to classical music
- I am very passionate about animals and plants, and struggle to even squash a cockroach.
- I have a strange fear of any kind of electric shocks (including static electricity) and also irons if it is in someone else’s hand and I am near by?!? (Yes, as in the object you use to straighten out your clothes.) I don’t know where either fear originated. What I can say is I cried like a little girl when my friend was messing with me and chasing me around with a small Taser gun. When he realized I was well and truly frightened, he decided to stop. Haha.
- I have a scrapbook and a large corkboard filled with favorite memorabilia that I have collected from my life.

- 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card
- 1 Digital of Slide by Michelle Congdon through Rafflecopter
- 1 Digital of Slide by Michelle Congdon to one Random Commentor

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 21 November 2013


There is no limit to the sky.

Hello & welcome all to our blog .